La Patria is the leader in the Emilia region for alarm monitoring and it is also present in Lombardy. It is owned by two private equity funds. La Patria group has revenues of € 30 m. with an EBITDA margin higher than 20% and strong cash flow.
Istituto di Vigilanza Aquila. A small company (revenues about € 1 m.), but strategically important for our client, due to strong territorial synergies, attractive client portfolio with high margins, almost totally on alarm monitoring, in a dense industrial area.
Cross Border was chosen as advisor by La Patria, thanks to its industry leadership in Italy. It has a successful track record of small and large transaction for national and international clients. After two years of systematic search for potential targets in several Italian regions, we generated this opportunity, managed delicate negotiations among direct competitors and found technical solutions for the transaction.
La Patria di Bologna acquista l’istituto di vigilanza Aquila di Sassuolo
Vigilanza privata, La Patria ha acquisito Aquila di Sassuolo